I did it! I edited/wrote over 50K words in 30 days. I am mentally exhausted, but I couldn't be more thrilled. I have two weeks until this draft is due at the editor, and it's done. I can honestly say that I am happy with ever change I made.
Over the last couple weeks I've been really tempted to make some changes that, in the end didn't make a lot of sense. Thank goodness for some awesome advice and some support from my friends and family.
After sitting on it for a few days I may decide to rework the ending...I am happy with it right now, but someone recently told me that your brain can only make so many good choices in a day, so maybe I won't like it after I sleep on it.
Heck...maybe Taryn will be able to take it early and the decision will be out of my hands all totally.

So...here it is...25 minutes until midnight on November 30th and this is my final word count.
Thank you all for your continued support. I'll keep you updated on what happens next.
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