"From the beginning" versus "In the midst of things" I have heard two very different schools of thought on where to start a story. It is such a contested subject that there are words for both methods. Ab ovo: From the beginning. Followers of this method argue that a reader cannot car about a story if they do not first care about the character. In this method the story starts with the main characters day to day life and gives you an opportunity to get to know them and care about them. This does not necessarily mean you see the them from birth, you just see their normal life before the inciting incident (the event that happens to the protagonist to change their life from the norm and sparks the action of the story). For example: We see Dorothy in Kansas before she goes to OZ. We see Katniss in District 12 before the reaping. We see Harry with the Dursleys before the owls start to show up. There are many who start their stories in the most lo...
This blog is to document my "inky journey" as one of my friends put it. From finishing my novel to editing, querying and beyond.